Create an ecommerce store for selling electronics online, no developers needed, all features included

Multi-channel ecommerce for electronics
Designed to drive more orders, from web, social and your own app. Improve customer experience and bring in more loyal customers.
All done for you

Empowering successful retail businesses since 2013

From large chain electronics to small and medium-sized independent businesses
Book a free demo
Witness how our technology can help you to upscale your business
  • All setup for you and supported by our team
    Say goodbye to the hassles of hiring extra developers or acquiring technical knowledge. Weevi's dedicated success team will build your store, train your team and handle you the wheel.
    Save on aggregators commissions
    Calculate savings
    Orders per month
    Average Order Value
    OMR 20
    Aggregator Commisions
    OMR 1k
    Saved Monthly
    OMR 15k
    Saved Annually
  • All features
    No need to purchase additional plugins for extra functionalities. Weevi offers an all-in-one system. with all the features you need out of the box.
    • We build and publish your apps
      Our dedicated team customizes builds and publishes full featured branded apps directly to app store, eliminating the need for third-party developers involvement.
    Only pay your payment gateway fees, keeping your transaction costs straightforward and predictable.
Book a free demo
Witness how our technology can help you to upscale your business

An expert team to make it happen and keep it growing

We value your time and your focus on your restaurant core business.
No technical skills or time consuming efforts needed from your end, our team will setup your store and keep it growing!
our team

Totally integrated

Weevi integration partners network is growing monthly. "Whats better?" Our team is on its marks to integrate with any tools that are open to integrate.
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